Saturday, January 4, 2014

#16 "If I Can Learn To Do It"

I feel first off that I need to clarify something for my family, and for all of those who overheard that skype-call. Yes, I was crying the whole time, but that does not mean I'm unhappy. Haha, I think I may have gave you the wrong impression. I was crying, not because I was sad, but more because I was so happy. It was so good to hear your voices and to see your faces. I was truly blessed this Christmas to have been able to skype; I know of so many who did not have this privilege.

I get asked all the time in letters "how are you, really?", and I just wanted to let you all know that I am doing GREAT. Really. I am. Missions are hard, those return-missionaries aren't kidding. Every day I have a moment or two where I feel like I just need to push through, but mostly everything just flows.

I'll share my Disney reference to explain this point. In Anastasia, Anya is learning how to impersonate the Princess Anastasia. As her teachers tell her, "if I can learn to do it, you can learn to do it. Tell yourself it's easy, and it's true." I very often see other missionaries at District and Zone conferences, and I see them talk to my companion with words that I have never heard before. I see them recite memorized Japanese scripture, and I see them talk on the phone in such rapid Japanese that I don't even know what language they're speaking. Sometimes I get frustrated, realizing that I can only say so much in Japanese, I feel limited. But it's at times like these that I realize they were once in my shoes, and if they can learn to do it, I can learn to do it.

Anya then replies, "suddenly I feel like someone new!" And her teachers answer "Anya, you're a dream come true!"

I can feel myself becoming a new person, and as I learn how to be a better missionary every day, hopefully with a lot of help, I can be the missionary Christ needs me to be.