Tuesday, November 25, 2014

#60 "One Jump Ahead"

So last week my companion was sick for a day or two. She was just out pretty much the whole day, so I puttered around the house studying and cleaning and writing up some forms in Japanese. It seems like everyone has been sick lately! Everyone is coughing and sneezing, and I'm just trying to keep 'One Jump Ahead' of all this sickness! I did get a flu shot, as requested by the Mission President, so fingers crossed that works!!

This week was fast, so please bear with me as I write all that I can remember...

Monday, for P-day, we got to go to Little World in Inuyama! It was...alright. Hahaha it can't top Disney, so maybe that's why I wasn't too entertained. (they did have a beautiful Christmas tree though!!) 

That night we left for an all-day Tuesday companion exchange in Gifu! I got to work with a sister who came with me to Japan at the same time. Her name is Sister Mineta, and I just adore her!! She's so funny, and she actually worked in Komatsu before, so we just talked and talked (as we worked and worked) about Komatsu. It was so much fun!! Their area had been struggling a bit too, and we were also able to find two new investigators, so that was fun too! 

Wednesday we were able to meet with Nakane san, who literally said she will get baptized as soon as her neighbor (her best friend/member of the church) 's husband comes back for Christmas break. She was so willing, that it threw us a bit, hahaha. We're gonna take a step back and just remind her how important a step like baptism is. I hope she follows through though, she's so amazing. 

Thursday we met with Kato Yuki san, and we talked about keeping the Sabbath Day holy and getting permission from her husband. We were a little scared to teach this lesson, but it went really well! She told us she wasn't too worried about work, she could shift things around to take Sundays off, it would just take some time. She was worried about talking to her husband (they just got married this year). She told us she knows she needs to do it, she just needs some courage. Please pray for her!! 

Friday we had our usual training meeting in the morning and then later that day we had a lesson with Sister Handa. She's doing really well, but she hasn't been to church in a while, so I'm getting nervous. We came to her house to talk about service and the priesthood, but as we got there, she told us that she was leaving for the hospital in an hour because she thought she had a stomach ulcer, so we changed pace haha. We instead taught about the Atonement and how it can help us overcome both sin and pain. We asked her to think about the Atonement as she is overcoming this trial, but I don't know how much she took in or understood, she seemed so different than usual. I haven't heard from her since that day, so please just keep her in your prayers. 

Saturday we did a service activity as a ward. They clean this building for handicapped people twice a year, and this is the second time I've done it...so I guess that means I've been here a while. 

Oh speaking of, Transfer Calls are this weekend, so stay tuned for what's next for Sister Johnson! 

That's all for now folks!