Wednesday, November 12, 2014

#59 "Hakuna Matata"

Well I ain't gonna hold back today - this week was HARD. It was short, so maybe that's why it feels like we weren't able to do much, but there was a particular day when I just wanted to say 'That's IT! I'm climbing in my futon, and don't wake me up until it's December!' It was a beautiful Thursday, and I was on a companion exchange when the sister I was with just freaked out on me. Not so much fun. But hey! Hakuna Matata! 

"You gotta put your behind in your past!" -Puumba 
"No no no no no. You gotta put your past behind you!" -Timon

Gotta love Puumba... But yeah! I'm putting that day in my past! I'm moving on to bigger and better things in my future. 

Lots of prayer and donuts tend to make any awful day better.  

Not so much to report this week, so I thought I'd just keep it short to this positive note that helped me to put my behind in my past - I mean, my past behind me.