Monday, July 7, 2014

#42 "You're Mocking Me Aren't You"

So my companion likes to laugh...a lot. There was this one time that we were preparing for a lesson, and I said that I wanted to "mogi" (role play) it before we go just to make sure that I knew all the Japanese I wanted to use, so I didn't have to use my (increasing-in-talent) charades. I hadn't even gotten past saying hello, when she started laughing and just could not stop. And when I say she could not stop, I mean she could. not. stop. I eventually left the room, went into the kitchen, got a snack and came back and she was still laughing...

It's now something we are working on, not laughing too much at Sister Johnson, because apparently she is always making a funny face (I had no idea...). I have to admit there are moments when I stop and, like Buzz from Toy Story, I have a moment of realization, "'re mocking me, aren't you?". I love to laugh too, but sometimes I just want to work! We're working on finding a balance though, and I think we found one;

The other day we were starting a lesson with a member. We had the other sisters with us, so it was four sister missionaries and this one sister who wants to re-take the missionary lessons. We sat down to teach her and no sooner had I got my first sentence out after the opening prayer then the two Japanese sisters laughed and pointed at my face telling me I had a funny face. I was kind of disappointed. Here I am trying my best to be the best teacher I can be, and they just sit and make fun of me. But before I could act on my almost-frustration, I just took a deep breath and focused on the member. Eventually they grew quiet, and they listened to the message I had prepared. By the end of the lesson, the Spirit was strong. I felt so good going home that night. 

The day before that member lesson, my companion and I had taught an investigator of ours, Tsuchida san. We spent the first half of the lesson teaching English, and the second half teaching gospel. Like the story above, in the beginning, my companion and Tsuchida san as well, just laughed at me when I didn't understand the Japanese they used. They laughed when I stuttered or used the wrong word. But, as I taught them the Plan of Salvation, and shared my testimony of how I know that it is true, they grew quiet. I shared the story of how my dad strengthened my own testimony of the Plan, and how because of how he knew, and how he taught me, I know for myself, and I want to share this knowledge. Once again, as they grew quiet, the Spirit came. The investigator said that she felt 'hot inside', and I explained that the 'hot' feeling is God. After she left, my companion was so happy, she could not express it. She just kept telling me that she felt the Spirit so strongly. 

So I remember reading in the Bible that "loud laughter" was not a good thing and I remember thinking that it must not be right: laughter is wonderful! But maybe I got a glimpse this week, and in the weeks before, of what God meant by "loud laughter". I know (or rather, recently learned) that I make funny faces all the time. I know that I'm a strange person, that I like to be weird and do my own thing. I know that I can't speak Japanese.

But I do know that He's making me a better teacher. I've come a long way. I still have a long way to go, but I look back now and see that I've come a long way.