Sunday, October 20, 2013

#6 "The Bear Necessities"

I'm really sure that was NOT a week, but it's Saturday once more and so I guess I'll write again. It's crazy how fast time flies here. Again I feel like not much has happened this week, but I'll share two new things and a Disney reference.

Cool new thing #1; Elder Oaks came to talk to us. I have to just let you all know right now, in case you were not previously informed, that I am a dork. So as he enters the room and every one stands I started smiling so big. I couldn't stop smiling - there was an apostle of Christ in the same room as me!! Every one else seemed to think it was cool too, but they seemed much more relaxed compared with the exclamations in my head of "Holy crap! There's an apostle!! He's here! In this room! An apostle! He came to talk to ME. An APOSTLE!!". Needless to say it was a really cool devotional...

Not-so-cool new thing #2; Sister Hansen(my companion)'s foot has been bothering her these past couple weeks. We've gone to so many doctors to find out that she has a bone spur in her heel, digging into her achilles tendon. She's been doing physical therapy, but it's not helping and so now she might have to have surgery and return home to recover before she can return to the field. I have to say I think she's very brave, I don't think I could go home to recover and then come back. As a roommate of mine so interestingly puts it, "I ain't coming home unless I've completed my mission or I'm in a casket! If you miss me so much, sucks to be you." Hahahaha she's really fun.

As for my Disney reference this week, I think I'm going to have to go with the Jungle Book. I've learned that while I'm here, I need to just look for the "bare necessities, those simple bare necessities". I've been so caught up in learning Japanese and at the same time learning the doctrine of Christ that I need to just "forget about [my] worries and [my] strife". Yes, "I mean the bare necessities", like relying on prayer and the Spirit. To put my worried missionary self "at ease", I need to just rely on these "simple bare necessities of life".

Hope you all are fine and healthy!
Your missionary,
Sister Johnson