So as you all may know, this weekend is General Conference. It makes things
somewhat difficult as it lands right on my P-day, so I did laundry at 5am and
now I have 15 minutes to write a post for my blog! At the same time, I think
this is the best weekend yet. I have never before watched conference with such
attention as I am right now. And heeeeeere's the Disney reference;
In Finding Nemo, as Marlin and Dori are on their way to Sydney they run
into a bunch of turtles. When asked to tell his story, all the turtles huddle in
closer and Dori says "I can tell this is gonna be good!". This line ALWAYS gets
me. I love Dori and all her forgetfulness, but even more I love her genuine
love. Right now I feel like Dori, as I sit in front of the apostles that I have
known all my life and hear them speak I feel as if I am hearing the gospel for
the first time. And "I can tell this is gonna be good!"
There is nothing like the spirit of the MTC. I keep looking around and my
jaw just drops - I have never seen so many LDS before! It's truly wonderful. I'm
making such incredible friends. We can goof off one minute, and then start
reading the scriptures together the next. I don't get it, but I sure do love
Japanese is pretty tough, and I'm pretty sure I keep telling our
"investigators" some pretty interesting things about this gospel with all the
mistakes I make, but they keep letting us come back! Haha maybe it's because
they have to, seeing as they also are our teachers, but they do let us know that
as long as we feel the Spirit we're on the right track. And heeeeeere's the
quote from Bingham sensei;
"I am not a perfect teacher, but this is a perfect gospel."
I LOVE that. It's so true! My Japanese is awful! and sometimes the
scriptures I read to the "investigators" don't make any sense. But I do know
that this church is true, and that they can feel the Light of Christ in their
lives if I can teach them where to go to find it.
As by popular demand, I will tell you all what a typical day in the life of
Sister Johnson is like;
I usually wake up at 6am, bright and early. I turn on the lights and tell
the other sisters in the room good morning. I get dressed, make my bed, pack up
my back and I'm out the door by 6:45 for breakfast. After breakfast we have
personal study until Japanese class (where they don't teach Japanese, they just
teach the gospel in Japanese. Muzukashii desune?). Class starts at 8:10 and right
up until lunch, 11:10. After lunch, we have gym time, gospel study time, and
TALL (some computer program) time until dinner. Dinner is nice and EARLY, at
4:10. After dinner, we have class from 4:55 until 7:55. We then have language
study, where we study independently until 9. At 9, we sit down with our
companions and discuss the events for the next day and how we should best use
our time. By 9:30, we're allowed back in the residence halls and by 10:30 I am
OUT. It's a pretty busy schedule but at the same time I wouldn't change a thing
- I've already been learning so much.
Well, I'm out of time. Next time I promise I'll try to write more!
Love from your missionary,
Sister Johnson