Monday, March 24, 2014

#27 "When I See an Elephant Fly"

So a week has come and gone, and transfer calls along with them. The news is that there is no news. I'm not going anywhere and neither is my companion. We will be staying in Komatsu for another 6 weeks. We're actually pretty stoked to be working together for another transfer, but we're in kind of an after-baptism daze of "what do we do next?"
Carla is doing great and glowing. We still get to meet with her whenever she is free and we continue to study together and help her to be able to find the resources she needs to study on her own. She sets such an amazing example to me. She will be moving either this week or the next, so we will only have a couple more days with her. I'm really going to miss her glowing face, and her big hugs. (She gives awesome hugs). She has such a strong desire to continue to grow and learn more about Christ, that I no longer worry about her being able to find what she wants. She's one of the strongest people I know.
After she leaves, the Komatsu sisters will have a lot of free time on their hands. People have been "dropping" us right and left, and so now we are down to one investigator. We teach Kaede chan and her two younger siblings, Anji chan and Hinoki kun, English and basic gospel principles. Their parents are not interested in our message, but the grandparents are Mormon, and said it was okay for us to teach them the basics. This week we plan on teaching them about prayer and I cannot wait! They are so much fun and so cute, I just want to hug them all the time. 
Besides that one weekly appointment, we will otherwise have a lot of time. We need to do some "finding", but that can be a difficult task in Komatsu. It either rains or snows here, and it is still pretty cold, so people don't like to come out of their houses, or if they do, they go by car, and there's just something about talking to a car that is pretty one-sided... We talk to people as we go to and from other appointments, but there is really no one on the streets in Komatsu. That's why "I'll be done seein' about everything when I see an elephant fly", or when I see someone walking around who would love to hear about Jesus Christ. 
I told my companion we could just run around yelling "Who wants to learn about Jesus?!" But somehow that isn't a very good method of "finding". Go figure. 
For now, I'm just happy to be in Komatsu for the next six weeks. I'm happy to be in this small, but loving ward. I'm happy to be with Sister Grant. I'm happy that today is actually sunny. I'm happy that my Japanese seems to be improving (although seems is the key word there). I'm happy to be a missionary, and I'm so grateful for this opportunity.
Well! I will just have to keep working hard and see how this next week goes. If there is one spiritual thought I have circling in my head it would be that God will hasten His work in His time. He knows what He is doing, and He knows that I'm here. He's gotta plan and, if I'm lucky, He'll let me in on it little by little.