Monday, July 28, 2014


Well this week has been crazy full of activities!

On Monday we cleaned up our apartment and packed everything up, and then on Tuesday we moved apartments, unpacked everything and cleaned up. We didn't transfer, just moving to a newer apartment in our area. It was about time, this last apartment was so old that drinking water from the tap was dangerous. SO needless to say, I'm much happier in our new apartment.

On Wednesday, we taught Tsuchida-san, and talked about the different beings in the Godhead; God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Ghost. It was interesting for her that we know them to be separate beings, but one in purpose, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost reporting to the Big Man in the Upstairs. After our lesson, we hung out with a less-active girl, Rie. She's 17, and other than her older sister who is currently serving a mission in Sapporo, she is the only member in her family. She's struggling a bit with her faith, and hasn't been coming to church since about last year. I know that when I talk to her, though, all she really needs is love. When you give her your love, she opens right up. So she and the sister missionaries have a good relationship, but the ward has yet to connect with her to help her out.

QUICK DETOUR; a couple weeks ago, I learned that it was going to be Girl's Camp (the bestest camp ever) soon for our stake, and I had asked the leaders if anyone had talked to Rie. (Surprise, surprise) None of them had. So I asked them if we could invite her. They told us to go for it, but that she would probably say no because she has no friends at church. One of the leaders even made an off-hand comment that if we wanted to help, we could come with her. I know she was joking, missionaries can't stay overnight. But I heard her say that and thought to myself...challenge accepted.

I got permission from my Mission President, and sure enough Sister Abe and I headed up into the mountains of Gifu on Thursday for a day at Girl's camp. We had invited Rie, and she came for the whole thing (three days long). She was really sad to see us go at the end of the day, but we promised to text her if she ever got lonely (she pretty much had only been talking to us the whole time). I haven't said such sincere prayers in a while as I prayed that night for someone to be Rie's friend. I prayed she would be able to have fun, to make friends, and to feel the Spirit. I just needed her to 'remember who she is; God's daughter, and as such, a one true queen'. (Does that sound familiar to anyone who has watched a Disney movie?)

Friday was pretty normal, and Saturday was transfer calls. That evening I called Rie; she was exhausted but said she had fun. Maybe I can talk to her more later.

Sunday was crazy. I was sick in the morning, so I slept as much as I could and had to give up when it came to that evening's activity. We had a huge dinner at the church with some investigators and church members, that soon got very out of hand. But all in all, it seemed like the investigators had fun, and the members did too, so I'm content.

Exhausted, but content.

Oh yeah, transfer calls... Sister Furukawa decided to go home, so she left, and now Sister Aoki is being transferred to Suwa, in Nagano. So now it's just me and Abe.

And then there were two...