Well it's been a while since I've written so let me give you an update!
New Years was super fun over here in Yokkaichi! The members know that it's a hard time of year to work, so they set up appointments for us for the entire week!! I think I gained a couple pounds, but I also gained so much love for this ward.
Other than that, I can't think of anything else to really tell you about, we didn't have much happen these past couple weeks. To be completely honest, the work has been hard. People have been dropping us right and left, and I can't tell if it's because of the holidays or if they are simply done with the missionaries.
Within all of the confusion and holiday haze, I did figure out that it's a new year! Happy 2015! It's strange to think that the year 2104, my solid year of work, is over, and that in a couple months I'll be home. Strange, right?
Well with the start of a new year, we also had transfer calls, and... Sister Kittaka is OUT. She's heading to Hamamatsu to be companions with Sister Hamamura (hamahamahamawhat?). I'm lucky to be safe in Yokkaichi. I've got a Sister Takahashi headed my way, and I'll tell you more about her once I get to know her better. For right now, I just know that she's Japanese, she's a little bit older than me (25ish) and she's been up in Nagano. I also know her English is super good, and she has the cutest style. Needless to say, I think we'll get along just fine!
All I do know is, it's the new year, and I have no one to teach this gospel to, so something's gotta give. It's "bittersweet and strange, finding you can change" as the story of Beauty and the Beast teaches, but hey, isn't that what new year's is all about? I've got some self-assessments to do, improve my skills as a missionary and hit the streets.
Look out, Yokkaichi, she was the new girl in town!