Wednesday, August 20, 2014

#48 "Stars, in your multitude. Scarce to be counted, filling the darkness with order and light."

Woah, I almost forgot to write a post for today. Can't stop now, can I?

This week wasn't a very exciting or eventfull one. Another week of much training and preparing Sister Abe for her week as 'sempai' (senior companion). I'm pretty excited for this week - I pretty much get to become a green bean again and let her take care of everything! Haha no worries, I will still help her when she really needs it, but for the most part, this is a test for her to take what I've said and now to have to use it. It's also a test for me, to see how much went in one of her ears and out the other, hahaha.

Training has been fun for me too, just to revisit things I was taught as a young missionary, but also to be able to learn more and to become a better missionary. This week we focused on the Book of Mormon and why it is the key stone of our religion, and why, if one would take the chance, through reading it one can gain a testimony of the book itself, the prophet who translated it, the church that was restored, and that Jesus Christ is our Savior. I made an arch out of pieces of chocolate (you should have seen her face when I told her she could eat them afterwards - she's hilarious). I explained to her that by putting in the keystone of my arch, everything holds together, but when I take it out, the arch falls down. We talked about how the Book of Mormon plays a similar role to one desiring a testimony; when we read the Book of Mormon, sincerely pray to know if it is true, and recognize an answer, then Joseph Smith must have been a prophet, he must have restored this church, and Jesus, of whom the book testifies, must be the Christ. But like wise, if one does not read the book, sincerely pray, or strive to find that answer, building an arch that will stand tall and strong seems an impossible task. So if you're out there and you have not read the Book of Mormon, I have a challenge for you; pick up a copy and READ. If you are out there and you've already read the Book of Mormon, read it again. President Gordon B. Hinckley said that it does not matter who you are or how many times you've read the Book of Mormon, it will strengthen your faith. It's that good of a book. I highly recommend it.

This week we were able to do something fun with an investigator; we went to see the Science museum of Nagoya! IT WAS SO COOL. I rediscovered just how much I love science!! The museum was SO cool! It had so many interactive pieces, my face hurt afterwards from smiling so much - I had a lot of fun. (The lockers were the periodic table - does anyone else find that as entertaining and hilarious as I do? I hope so).

I remember going around looking at everything and a certain scripture came to my mind, Alma 30:44. It says, "The scriptures are laid before thee, yea, and all things denote there is a God; yea, even the earth, and all things that are upon the face of it, yea, and its motion, yea, and also all the planets which move in their regular form do witness that there is a Supreme Creator."

How can they not? I looked around at all the patterns and designs around me - is it not fascinating? How everything is in this specific pattern and design? Doesn't this just lay out in front of us as evidence that there is a Supreme Creator?

There is. I know He is there, because He's told me so.

The stars aren't just "fireflies that got stuck up there", as Timon from the Lion King states, they are "balls of gas burning millions and millions of miles away" as Pumba guesses. And they were created, as was everything that surrounds us, by our loving Heavenly Father.